Getting Reliable Roof Inspections in Louisville KY

by | Feb 8, 2019 | Roofing

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The arrival of the first heat wave of every year is a good excuse for homeowners to go around their house, armed with an inspection list so as not to forget anything. Cleaning the gutters, checking the foundation, or checking the air conditioning unit -; people should make sure to not miss anything. When it comes to Roof Inspections in Louisville KY, twice yearly checks are a must.

Roofing costs can get expensive

By identifying the causes of a claim before the damage gets worse, homeowners put the odds on their side to save themselves the hassle of a future claim. Notebook, pencil, and camera in hand, you should take notes or photos to allow you to plan any works that will be performed in the coming weeks. If you do this inspection with a mobile phone or tablet, there are numerous websites that use an electronic list designed for this very problem. If it is spring or fall, it’s time to get outside and check the roof.

Gutters and downspouts

Are gutters and downspouts still well anchored? Does the water run away from the house and its foundations? Are gutters and downspouts free of debris?

To prevent infiltration, whether by roof, walls, or foundations, gutters and downspouts deserve special attention. To learn more about gutter maintenance, it is best to read up on this topic.

The roof

Is the coating intact? Are there shingles raised? Are there damaged sheets?

Are the seals on the chimney, flashings, and skylights in good condition? If possible, avoid climbing onto the roof: do the inspection with binoculars. Examine each corner carefully.

If you cannot see the entire roof when staying on the ground, use a ladder safely and ask someone to watch you. Experts also offer homeowners a more complete list of all the elements of a roof that you should be checking.


Are there wetlands around your home? Do you find any cracks? Do they extend into the ground?

The slightest crack can be synonymous with water infiltration, which is the most common claim in home insurance. If your foundation is damaged, do not hesitate to seek the advice of an expert. Did you know that water infiltration is not automatically covered by most insurance contracts? Browse us to learn more.

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